Monday, May 19, 2014

Finally a first post


I created this blog a while ago, but hadn't posted anything because, honestly, not a lot had been going on, and then when some really big things started happening, that left little time for blogging. 

Here is me:

Just kidding. I am sure you thought that was the true and real me. This is actually me, and even putting forth something of an effort:

An effort because this is one of the selfies I had take to include in my application packet for esthetics school. Yes, one of the biggest new things in my life is that I am in school, once again, to become a Skincare specialist. This feels like the first decision I have made in my life regarding career choice that contains any sort of wisdom, logic, or direction on my part. The way I figured it out is that I like talking about lotion a lot, and a lot of people look bored or stop talking to you after a period of time when you talk about something they don't know or care about. I thought if I learned about Skincare (caps? Really?), at least during the process it wouldn't be a onesided conversation. And it hasn't been! My brain feels like it's coming out of some weird dormancy that I guess just happens when you get out of college and are ashamed of yourself and you take a temporary job at a restaurant that ends up going on six years. Who knew?

Another GIGANTIC new thing that's happened is I have found a very nice, funny, pretty much incredible adult man to be with and I've moved into a house he bought, along with my friend (his best friend).

The third tremendous thing is that I am going to New Orleans, Louisiana, in two days to attend my friend Moira's wedding. I figured this week-long adventure would be the perfect time to start this thing. I've never stayed at a hostel and I've never been to New Orleans. I keep hearing these incredible things like how you can just walk down the street while drinking. I have a feeling Virginia is pretty much the opposite of this place. Also, I am staying a full week, which is a little long for me, especially since I'm missing hours of school and we're just getting to the really good parts. But my ticket was a birthday present and it was before I was enrolled or knew I wanted to pursue Skincare (caps), so I think she (momma t) is sending me on some kind of eat, pray, fart adventure. Even though today she said she needed my boyfriend's phone number (he isn't accompanying me upon her suggestion, mind you) so she would have a way to contact him in case I was "snatched in the street". What a Scorpio. 

The trip has already started out nicely with me getting my flight date totally wrong so I'm not actually leaving until Wednesday. Typical. But I'm staying with my brother until then so all is good. 

We will share a lot of firsts together, I think, especially since I am so broke and will be mainly bringing home pictures as souvenirs. 

(Also, I'd like to promise this blog will get funnier, quicker, better soon, but I don't know if I can.)

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